Worth to know

Effects of incorrect choice of a contractor

The choice of a contractor is a key issue for the company. The consequences of making the wrong choice can be very negative. Their list can go on and on. Starting from compensation or criminal liability, through various types of risk, to sanctions on the part of...

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In 2022, employers must prepare for changes to whistleblowers

It is about implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the so-called whistleblower protection directive).Poland has to implement it by December...

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Ordinary shareholders’ meeting in limited liability companies

An annual shareholders’ meeting shall be held within six months of the end of each financial year.The following matters shall be resolved by the annual shareholders’ meeting: examination and approval of the management board report on the operations of the company and...

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Real estate ownership transfer

Ownership of immovable property may neither be transferred on condition nor with the reservation of a time limit.Where a contract obliging to transfer ownership was concluded on condition or with the reservation of a time limit, an additional agreement between the...

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Contracts for the provision of services

As indicated in the jurisprudence and doctrine: Contracts for the provision of services, as due diligence contracts, consist in the provision, in the interest of another person, of specific factual activities and a set of legal and factual activities. Where the...

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Changes in the jurisdiction of tax authorities from 2021

The significant changes in the jurisdiction of tax authorities entered into force on 01.01.2021. The changes were introduced by the regulation of the Minister of Finance, Development Funds and Regional Policy of 28.12.2020 on certain taxpayers and tax remitters for...

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Limited partnerships will pay corporate income tax

From 01.01.2021 limited partnerships will become taxpayers of corporate income tax. Until then, limited partnerships will remain tax transparent and only their partners will be taxed. Whereas from that date limited partnerships will be taxed similarly to limited...

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Risks related to balance confirmation

Companies often forget that confirming balances is more than just checking amounts. In particular, problems may arise in the case of disputed or doubtful claims.What is included in the balance confirmation The Accounting Act requires, in principle, confirmation of the...

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Conditions for enjoying the research and development relief

In order to enjoy a tax relief specified in art. 18d of the Act of 15.02.1992 on Corporate Income Tax (hereinafter: “the CIT Act”), a taxpayer must perform activities that meet the conditions for recognizing them as research and development activities within the...

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